“Family Fire” brings together fathers, mothers, grandparents, husbands, wives, children, extended family members, friends, colleagues, and inter-agencies together to honor those who have died, support the injured and uphold each other in grief and in healing. This event grows each year, not only due to the fatalities of the previous year but also due to the many family members and friends who return each year to share time with old friends, meet new friends, and welcome those families who through tragedy are included into this family circle. While this is a family that you would never voluntarily choose to be a part of; it is a family that you would never want to be without as you travel the journey from loss to recovery. With that paramount in mind, Family Day Weekend has adopted as their continuing credo,
“We Are Family”. We truly are.
You can learn more about the different programs we offer for our families on our Programs page.
We are excited to share the memories of ’24 Family Day. They will be posted here when ready!
We were very happy to welcome everyone to our annual Family Fire 2023. The weekend was full of sharing, support, and honor. This weekend isn’t just about our fallen loved ones, but about the families left behind, and the bonds that withstand them. Thank you to everyone who came out and made this weekend so special. Your presence and unity are the essence of what makes the WFF a family.
Family Fire 2022 was an eventful weekend including the grand opening of our new facility, one of the largest honor guard ceremonies we’ve seen, and the first Family Fire since COVID. The turnout was amazing. We greeted more than twice the number of families we’ve had in the past. We want to thank the friends and family of the fallen for allowing us to honor your loved ones.